Please use the form below to send us your NEWS, PRESS RELEASES or ARTICLES for inclusion in the World Tea Directory News and Articles sections.

I accept guest posts and Press Releases providing they are only about Tea. That does not include CBD and other cannabis drinks which I do not consider to be tea. I do accept most herbal teas as legitimate.

  1. I request that you use this form to send your content
  2. Article must be about tea
  3. A reasonable number of back-links is OK – don’t overdo it please
  4. Linking should be to non-spammy sites relevant to my visitors
  5. Minimum 800 words – prefer 1000 plus for best results
  6. I will not be responsible for broken links as a result of my site being compromised due to circumstances outside of my control.
  7. All content including photographs must be copyright free. You will be responsible for any costs or damages bought before World Tea Directory as a result of publishing your content.

Presently I am charging just $50 US onetime fee. Plus $2.50 if paid through PayPal.

    Upload image/s (JPG,JPEG, PNG or GIF) Suggested minimum width 800 pixels

    Maximum size for uploaded files = 2mb

    Maximum size for uploaded files = 2mb

    Maximum size for uploaded files = 2mb

    If you have problems uploading an image please contact us at editor @ for an alternative method.

    I hereby state that I have the copyright and all other rights to use all the information contained in this form and any files attached to it. (required)